September 12, 2010

Don't Write Me Off Yet

I know it has been far too long since my last entry, so, here it goes....
Justin and I are slowly but surely getting settled in here in the heart of the Napa Valley. Too bad it is so ugly here.
We are so blessed to live where we do and the Lord reminds us of that every time we drive into St. Helena. We are living in a VERY small town called Angwin. It is about 8 miles up the road from the Culinary Institute of America, where Justin is going to school. Angwin is home to Pacific Union College, the post office and a small "college market". The school is Seventh Day Adventist and apparently even the whole community as our mail is delivered Sundays and nothing is open on Saturdays, in fact, the town looks like some kind of post-apocalyptic horror flick.

I was blessed with a job working as a nanny for a beautiful 8 month old little girl named Audrey. Her parents are photographers for the rich and the famous. I had the opportunity to see them at work and assist them with a wedding they shot...these guys are INCREDIBLE at what they do, plus they are super great to work for. Meanwhile Justin is working at the school pretty soon here and attending classes and making friends and being awesome as usual. I am lacking in the "making friends" department seeing as most people here are over 40, have lots of money, and aren't particularly friendly anyway...maybe my jeans and nose ring are off-putting.

Anyway, I am kicking a** in the housewife department. I could never have imaged how wonderful it would be to create a home for Justin and I, a place we can't wait to get back to. So far, Justin's folks and Shaug and Amy have been able to visit to see our sweet little place which was just so awesome. They all spoiled the crap out of us and we are definitely missing everyone a lot now.

We have yet to find a church home but we are looking. Hard to follow up after the Well. But God has been so faithful to us and we are very eager to see how things will turn out.

So, my observations if you choose to live in St. Helena:
-You MUST ADORE wine...all of them, and be very good at faking the ability to identify flavors in them
-If you are over 50 you must wear really big fluffy hats and white pants
-If you do have child they need to wear Dolci and Gabana just like you do
-You shouldn't drive a really dusty car (aka mine before yesterday) anywhere, ever...the dirt might get on their Porche and cause the engine to cease.

On another note...I think crazy neighbors are going to be wherever you choose to move, so get used to it. Ours has a parrot and 3 year old who both scream at 3 a.m. and the mom likes to walk through our porch and look into our windows to see our interior decorations :S

Overall, life is good. I really miss my family. I am turning 23 in 23 days, which freaks me out. But I can't get enough of seeing Justin doing what he loves for once in his life. His contended heart blesses me so much. Casey and Alyssa, if you ever read this, know I really miss you guys and there is so much here that I would love to laugh about with you haha.

And many thanks to my husband, we are growing a fonder taste for wine. I am exceedingly jealous of all the amazing food he gets to eat everyday though.

For now I send you to my facebook page to enjoy the recent pics of our new place and the surrounding areas :) -Bean

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