March 6, 2010

There are things too amazing for me...

"There are three things that are too amazing for me,
four that I do not understand:
the way of an eagle in the sky,
the way of a snake on a rock,
the way of a ship on the high seas,
and the way of a man with a maiden."
Proverbs 30: 18-19

"How do you like married life?"

This is the most common question I hear. I remember asking it often to my newly married friends. Most often I heard "It's great, lots of compromises, but I love it." or "Sure learning a lot!"

I feel like I was prepared for a lot of little conversations of personal opinions clashing between Justin and I. I was ready to encounter many "compromises" and "learning" new things. In all honesty, I love living with my husband. Not to say my friends don't love living with their husbands, I just feel like I lucked out marrying a man with such similar living habits.

One of our favorite things is coming home after a long day of work and talking about our day, then cozying up to a good movie. We love our movies, and to tell you the truth I never would have thought another person out there would be ok with such a simple thing. Don't get me wrong, we love to go outside, weather permitting, but nothing beats a great movie. I can get a lot of criticism for it too. "Why don't you talk to each other instead?" We do! It's awesome! It's this thing called communication that we practice a lot of so we can have time for movies without neglecting each other. Plus, no T.V. in the bedroom (a rule Justin decided on before we were even engaged) I have to say, living with him is one of the easiest things I have ever done. It is new, it is a learning experience, and it is the most natural thing I have ever done.

So, my response to the most common question: "I am a HUGE fan of being married" and my response to the second most common question "When are you having kids?" (which by the way is unbelievable how often such a personal question is asked): "We are practicing" and on a more serious note, seeing as we just got married a little over two months ago, we have some time, hopefully lots of time.

So life is wonderful. I am learning more and more about the most fascinating person in the world to me. I am learning how God is speaking to me. We are really enjoying church and all its challenges for us as a married couple, and our AWESOME life group once a week. We are actively praying about the Culinary Institute of America in August for Justin. He has his application in and now we wait. We are so excited to see where God takes us, how He leads us.

Spring is right around the corner here in Bass Lake. We are so blessed to live in such a gorgeous community. Everything is getting so green and lush and lovely. I see my mom's smiling face with every post storm dramatic sunset, clouds bright and colorful. I am being challenged by the Lord in this new season of my life to daily lay down my issues and be open with my husband about what God is doing in my heart so he can better guide us and be the spiritual leader I need him to be.

As of right now I am fighting off a gross head cold, in bed, waiting for Justin to get off work, the best part of my day. It is amazing to me the depth of love the human heart can hold when the Lord has His hand on your marriage. I know this is all very new and people still call us "honeymooners" or "naive" but I cannot even fathom how I can love him more than I already do, then tomorrow comes and I am blown away at how possible it is. I know we will make mistakes, I know we will fail each other, that is simply a part of marriage. I married my best friend, and I am proud of how we did it. My sincerest prayer is that our story can be told and bless those around us. We simply cannot have what we do without our Father. God alone is what makes this possible, and because of God alone can we daily enjoy the true joyful blessing of it.

I am also daily humbled and truly overwhelmed at the amount of prayer and support we have from our family and friends around us. We can continue to love and be loved because of those in our lives as well. There are some things too wonderful for me to understand.

As soon as I get wedding photos I will post them, I am as eager as all of you to see them. For now, I am off to drug myself up ;) Yay NyQuil!

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