January 28, 2008

A Moment of Good

As of yesterday, I have returned from my grand adventure in the Great White North. Yes, I went to Canada. I had a wonderful reunion with some of my DTS buddies. We had such a great time just laughing and enjoying each other's company. I got to tour Toronto and see Niagra Falls at night, all lit up. I also got to experience the frigid temperatures that come with the whole experience :) These girls sure know how to love. I was so blessed to spend that time just relaxing and taking in a memory I will carry with me for a long time. I returned home to a bit of a frustrating family situation. I won't go into detail but I will say that it was enough to really frustrate and bother me.

So, yesterday I found myself just taking in what I felt was a bit overwhelming. I got to talk with a wonderful friend, which lifted my spirits. It was one of those conversations you walk away from with your mind still chewing on all that you talked about. Which leads me to today. Today I have found myself challenged to examine what I know about where I am in my walk with God.

So far, I know that God is intimate with me. He is gentle and awe inspiring with His power. I got to thinking about certain moments we gain when we are in a relationship with the Lord. I don't really know how to describe these moments, but I know they surpass time and circumstance. I know that these moments come at a time unexpected.

I was listening to a speaker once who tried to describe such moments. He said that they are recorded in all cultures of faith. They are "moments of heavenly perspective" that men of faith experience which requires all of that persons being, all senses, all attention. I can only describe these moments as a time in which man is able to step outside of his person and take in a moment of time that God has provided. I am not saying this is an epiphany, but rather an instance in which we can see into the spiritual realm where it is unmasked and we gain a sense of understanding to the heart of the Lord. After which comes this sweeping sense of peace.

So, I have been praying that these moments of good, of truth, would occur more often in my life. I know that this requires a level of commitment on my part that I sometimes am hesitant to fully hand over to God. This also means that the enemy will try to attack with every chance he can. Knowing this, I am fully ready to take what comes with having this perspective. I am also aware that with this perspective and understanding comes truth. Truth, which can be heartbreaking. So, I pray also that God gives me a heart to take in truth, for all it is worth.

The Lord has blessed me with a family and friends that love unconditionally, and through them I also gain these moments of good. God works through men, and He is stirring something quite extraordinary as we speak. I want to work on spending more time in fellowship with other believers, chewing on the word, challenging each others beliefs and examining my walk on a daily basis.

To be held accountable is to be loved.

Thank you so much for loving me, for challenging me, and for making me a better person for it.

January 7, 2008

You Were Young Once

Not too long ago I filled my tub with hot water and pearly bubbles. I rested back with bubbles up to my nose, looking at the tips of my toes under the faucet. Drop by drop the faucet slowly washed the bubbles off my toes. I thought back to how as a child my mom would fill a hot bath for me on a rainy day, and bring in a towel from the dryer. Something in me smiled that day. Some things, I believe, are too beautiful not share with others. This brief time of recaptured comfort was one of those moments. As I sat back I thought of the love that went into all those tubs. I thought of the love I was soaking in as a girl, and the love I was soaking in now. I drew that tub for myself, I put in the soapy goodness, I set out a towel, and listened to the rain. And somehow, it was if someone else did it all for me.

I feel that I have learned a lot this last week. I learned new truths that blessed me and new ideas that inspired me. I feel God's love because I choose to recognize it. Some words, I find, don't stick as strongly as others. But one loving word or gesture can cover many painful. And for that I am thankful. God is working in the hearts of man. He is drawing us in with these truths, this love. And He is using what can sometimes seem like the most unlikely of people. Perhaps God will open your eyes through the words of a stranger, or maybe a faithful pastor, or close friend. Maybe not through a person at all. Either way, He will get through to you.

Also, may I say (I may actually this is my blog, so why the heck not right?) that God loves us too much to keep us from the desires of our hearts. When our desire is to serve the Lord and have His will be done in our lives, we won't step out of His will. Even if we do mess up, and go in the wrong direction, the worse that could happen is that God would close the door, it wouldn't work out. God will make it abundantly clear when we are out of His will. So, don't let your fear of man keep you from your fear of God. God is an adventurous God. He is exciting. He will move miraculously, whether you choose to recognize it as miraculous or not.

He may even use bubbles to show you, maybe the rain, or an old friend.

January 1, 2008

On This First Day of the Year

Today I went sledding, snow crunched under my feet and the sun reflected on it, and then into my eyes. It was a beautiful day for such an activity. So, on that note, the year began. My hope is that this year will be entirely different than the last. I hope that I love, that I listen more, that I write more, that I acquire a desire for silence. I hope that this year I give God all credit for the day and all that is in it.

I am writing today out of need rather than desire. I am actually very tired as of right now, but then, who isn't still feeling the effects of last night? Ha. There is so much that I just feel like I need to say and yet I feel like it is not the time, but God has promised me the opportunity. For now I will say that I am living with a promise from the Lord, for clarity, an acceptance of what He wants to share with me, which includes His love, a new perspective, a heart of joy and encouragement.

I have a sense deep in me that for some reason this year will be extraordinary, something to look forward to. There will be hard things, but lets be honest, it seems as if life could only get better from this point on, especially after this last year. So, Lord I am ready to see what you will show me, I am ready to move where you take me, love who you place in my way, and take in what you have given in grateful reflection and humility, God make me this person, make me like you.

I am really thankful for many things but mostly for a sense of perspective, especially right now. Thank God for His view on the hearts of men rather than my own, for His love rather than my own, for his joy in place of my own.

I would like to thank all of you who read this, and for your prayers. As far as daily life is concerned, work is going well, call me a dreamer but I am still thinking of where I will be next year, how different things will be. I have the quiet moments at work to think of such things. I love living with Amy and Shaug, and have come to realize I wouldn't do well living alone :)

So, to all of you out there who need prayers, let me know what I can be praying for, and I will absolutely be sure to bring it before the Lord as well, thus another realization I have had...pray more!

Well I am done babbling.


p.s. Congratulations Kim, oh how I love thee :)