January 7, 2008

You Were Young Once

Not too long ago I filled my tub with hot water and pearly bubbles. I rested back with bubbles up to my nose, looking at the tips of my toes under the faucet. Drop by drop the faucet slowly washed the bubbles off my toes. I thought back to how as a child my mom would fill a hot bath for me on a rainy day, and bring in a towel from the dryer. Something in me smiled that day. Some things, I believe, are too beautiful not share with others. This brief time of recaptured comfort was one of those moments. As I sat back I thought of the love that went into all those tubs. I thought of the love I was soaking in as a girl, and the love I was soaking in now. I drew that tub for myself, I put in the soapy goodness, I set out a towel, and listened to the rain. And somehow, it was if someone else did it all for me.

I feel that I have learned a lot this last week. I learned new truths that blessed me and new ideas that inspired me. I feel God's love because I choose to recognize it. Some words, I find, don't stick as strongly as others. But one loving word or gesture can cover many painful. And for that I am thankful. God is working in the hearts of man. He is drawing us in with these truths, this love. And He is using what can sometimes seem like the most unlikely of people. Perhaps God will open your eyes through the words of a stranger, or maybe a faithful pastor, or close friend. Maybe not through a person at all. Either way, He will get through to you.

Also, may I say (I may actually this is my blog, so why the heck not right?) that God loves us too much to keep us from the desires of our hearts. When our desire is to serve the Lord and have His will be done in our lives, we won't step out of His will. Even if we do mess up, and go in the wrong direction, the worse that could happen is that God would close the door, it wouldn't work out. God will make it abundantly clear when we are out of His will. So, don't let your fear of man keep you from your fear of God. God is an adventurous God. He is exciting. He will move miraculously, whether you choose to recognize it as miraculous or not.

He may even use bubbles to show you, maybe the rain, or an old friend.

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