I have decided I am well overdue for a good blog post. I know he checks daily to see if I have posted anything, and for once, I have.
Justin and I have been married a year (Dec. 20th) and I am not doing justice to the year by calling it anything short of wonderful. I have learned so much and drawn so much closer to this man of God.
I watch Justin come home exhausted from a long day at school. I am so blessed to see him fulfilled in what he is doing, all by the grace of God. I go to work and come home tired but I think we both come home with a sense of pride in our day. Yet still, I feel like he has done more, worked more, cared more, and for this, I am jealous. Justin pour everything into what he does, no matter how insignificant it may seem and I know he is doing it for God and for our future and it is this selfless ambition that astonishes me. I have so much to learn from him. I hope one day I grow up to be just like him.
I have been collecting (very slowly) wedding pictures and editing them so that we can have an actual wedding album. As I go through these memories I come to tears at how absolutely beautiful our day was. I have never so close to God and His blessing for our lives. “I must have done something right” I think to myself.
I don't know if most people understand what our love is like because I don't know of many people who chose to do things the way we did (with the exception of those in our lives who helped set the standard). It is so hard to try and explain to people in my life who ask for my time that I “need to talk to Justin about it” or how if I haven't seen him for 14 hours my heart actually feels like it is breaking. We need each other, now more than ever. This gift, this man, is so far out of my league. I am speechless every morning to see him there “Father thank you so much for this man I don't deserve”
He is my best friend and knows me so well. I look forward to more crazy nights in making absolutely fantastic dinners, baking yummy desert, watching movies on our big tv, going for walks along the vineyards, playing video games until the console tells us “we noticed you have been playing nonstop for a while, maybe a 10 minute break would be good for you” (true story) or just listening to music loudly on a road trip.
People ask us a lot if we need “our space” or we “get tired of each other” and they are like shocked when we say “no”. If we have free time (which isn't often) we spend it together. We WANT to spend it together. I cannot wait to get home to see him and when he comes in the door he eagerly finds me.
YES, we do argue and have different opinions about things, but the good far FAR outweighs the bad.
Justin prays over me, over us, every night. He still opens my door for me. He still looks at me from across a crowded room. He makes me laugh so hard at just how SILLY he is. He dances slowly with me when we are alone. And THIS is why I am so in love. ALL these things and more make up what a perfect husband he is. Not a perfect man, but a perfect husband.
I am overwhelmed at his love. And I know, when we have lived our lives, I will have lived mine loving him, every day.
Yes!!! This is the life & love that we prayed for! God will continue to bless you for the choices that you made to honor Him & each other! Don't let people who don't get it make you feel awkward about your amazing relationship. How sad that it is so rare for people to know what God truly meant for a marriage to be.
From one blessed sister to another!
I love you!!! Oh, & Justin too! =)
P.S. I LOVE this picture of you two!
Thank you SO much sister! Your prayers and support from you and Shaug since before the beginning of J and I continue to bless us both. Thank you for being a great example to us. We love you so big!
I know that I've told you this before but it bears repeating; you have a gift for writing. I think that you should do it in a professional capacity. Your writing has a passion & fluidity to it that make it a pleasure to read!
Lady you CRAZY! I hope to one day, before I die, write a book of short stories of the crazy events in mom's life. Thanks for love sister :D
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