May 29, 2010

Creative Clog

I finished watching a documentary called Art & Copy tonight and realized something about myself. I am a creative person. I need to be creating something or I feel....well rather gross. I can't remember the last time I spent time being artistic but I seriously miss it. If there is nothing that I ever do on this blog but post updates on my most recent photo or drawing or painting or whatever, so be it! I want to create a home that breeds creativity, with no hindrances or ways to keep me insecure about being artistic. I know I am certainly not the best nor will I ever be, but I do want to do the best I can. I want to watch God work in me or through me rather, to evoke emotions in people, to move them. So, if you are out there and you read this...hold me accountable please. Thank you!

May 1, 2010

The Moments Between

They say the first day of spring was a while ago, but you would never know unless they told you so. I deem today the first day of Spring. It will last about two weeks and then it will be summer as per usual. For now, I am soaking up all I can. I feel an illness creeping in as I write this tonight. Perhaps the sun will take it all away. Perhaps, it will take me away... for now the Spring will feed me, it will be the time between.

I miss a good car ride with the windows down and music loud, something acoustic and warm to match the weather. I need to "lay upon the ground and stare a hole in the sky, and think about where I go when I die" I need to spend some time with God and go where I hear Him. There is a moment that happens when I take the time, where I am overwhelmed by God and creation and love and awe. The moment between here and where I am going. The time between chaos where I cry tears of joy in hope of how He moves.

I have a husband in my life now who shares those moments with me. He sees me, observes, as I stand under the sun in wonder. He watches me in the review mirror while my fingers hang out the passenger window and wave in the wind. I watch him serve his customers all day, I watch him smile and love and, well, be Justin. I see him work hard every day, I see him do the dishes and fold the clothes and open my car door for me. He loves even in the moments between, where life happens. He shows me what being Godly really means, what serving is. I look up to this man so much. He knows me well enough to let me just absorb when I need to. Father God bless him for his selflessness. Show him how much you love him. Take my husband where he dreams, use him to be glorified. Father He longs for you, show him your vision, move in his spirit so that he can love like you again and again. Thank you for this gift, thank you for showing me what it means to love. God wherever you take us, teach us to not forget to praise you in the moments between.

Breathe in and out, see, more clearly the music in motion that God creates in front of your eyes every day. Choose to see the spark in someones eyes, at the very least look into the eyes of everyone you talk to. Be intentional in everything you do. Once we learn to be intentional in everything we do, we will learn to feel the moments where God moves.

In the quiet tonight, Holy Spirit move, fill this home, rest our hearts.