What does God have to say to me lately? Well, I don't know honestly. God has never been blunt with me in the ways I would expect Him to be, or the ways I see Him with other believers. Even when I read the word, I am never sure exactly what He has to say specifically, but I do feel a lot better....well, lately at least. There is a lot to the Bible I just don't understand, probably because I don't understand the context. Rob Bell once said "If the bible were made into a movie, there is a lot I wouldn't watch" Which I couldn't agree with more. This thought reminded me of the pseudo-wise words of Stephen Colbert...then I giggled.
"Of course, just because Jesus replaces the Old Testament doesn't mean you should necessarily skip it. That would be like skipping Batman & Robin just because the story starts over in Batman Begins (Starring Christian Bale, Directed by Christopher Nolan. Coincidence?) The important thing to realize is that both the old and the new stories are about an all-powerful being trying to rid the world of evildoers, only in the new one, the Batman can eat pork. (Bat-chops!)" -Stephen Colbert, I Am America(And So Can You!)
As I sift through and try and untie what I feel God is saying I look at my circumstances. I am newly engaged, which is an incredible blessing in it of itself, I am trying to lay down Justin's loan situation (I'll explain in a bit) we will have a house full of people starting tomorrow for Amy's baby shower (yay!), I am trying to figure out the next 6 months of my life, and I feel like there are a thousand plus people I still need to call (if you are one them, I will SOON, I promise) Amidst all of what is going on, it's hard to hear God. Am I where I should be? Is he pleased with me? What do I need to work on spiritually? How can I be a better influence on the people at work? (ah and work...a whole other stress, a good one, but it's exhausting)
So, big prayer requests. Justin needs a cosigner for his school loan. It is the one thing that is keeping us from being able to make plans and just move on with things. He may have a cosigner, but it is still up in the air, and any prayer about the situation is appreciated. I know this is weighing heavy on his heart. I am still asking God to provide a car for me. I need one very soon to get to and from work now seeing as I don't work the same time as my dad anymore. Also, that work itself wouldn't wear on me so much that I am too tired to do much else. It is very demanding and I have much more responsibility now. I am very thankful for even having work, but I am still not used to this new schedule. Ok, praises! Amy's baby shower is Saturday and little Grayson is doing very well! Wedding planning is coming along very well. Justin and I have a date, December 20th! We also have gone over a budget and we have a venue and honeymoon plans and colors and reservations for our wedding night and all this time Justin has been the dream fiance, he is half of this wedding, and has been acting like it! (Also check out our wedding site!) The man is so involved I LOVE it! It is so fun talking about it and we are so chill that we are making decisions easily and quickly which is such a blessing. Ok, onto what God has been doing... :D
Io - Helen Stellar
I have started a new position at Sugarpine as the lead morning cook to Timber Mountain, a smaller, much more rustic, sister camp to Sugarpine, just up the road. I am up at 4:30 in the mornings now to be there in time to cook breakfast for anywhere between 60-120 nine to 13 year olds. Anyway, I am up and ready to go as the sun comes up, and exhausted and ready to sleep as it sets. I know all people used to have to live this way back before electricity, but there is something about it that makes me have a new appreciation for being up that early. There is a new life to the morning, a silent joy that awakens as the sun rises. I was listening to Helen Stellar on the drive to work the other day, a band who has a a sweet but melancholy sound, it's hard to describe. One of their songs, Io, was playing and I realized, my life plays out like a music video. There is a song for every mood, and that morning, it was Io. "This time around, you can be anyone" As I listened to these lyrics I just prayed. God, I don't know what you have to say to me, but today, I choose to be used by you, so that you can speak to someone else.
I have kept praying this prayer in hopes that a specific circumstance would arise...and it came. Today I was sitting with a few staff and a few camp leaders and they started to ask me about my relationship with Justin, how we met, how things progresses etc. etc. It was fun to get to share that story in depth since most of the people I know already know it and have been there to experience it with me. But here, I had an audience fully engaged in what I had to say. I walked away from that conversation feeling so blessed. For the first time I felt like our story, was a testimony. I was able to point it all back to God. It was such a blessing to realize, something as simple as our relationship, all that God had done, could bless these almost strangers to me. One older gentleman stopped me as I was about to walk away and looked me square in the eyes and told me "That just gives me hope of what real love is, you should take every opportunity you get to share that, especially to young girls, Korina. From the work God did on your DTS, to the comfort he brought you with Justin after your moms death...everything in God's timing"
Thank you Father, for being able to bless someone with this life...you have blessed mine more than I can comprehend.
I can hear God speak to me through music, through the lyrics that grab me, through the sound of creation. My feet tap to the rhythm, my voice hums to His song for me. My prayer for Justin and I, that we would be able to sing in joy to whatever song God has for us. Our lives work for your good, our voices for your smile...even if we sing off key :S