October 9, 2008

What Will You Notice?

"I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars."
-Walt Whitman

When I sat in the bus station, I sat alone. Hundreds of feet, all with different shoes of different colors walked in the patterns of a shoots and ladders board across the vast, open, echoing atrium. There, in the midst of the mad scuffle, stood a lone pigeon. He stood proud as if he would call himself a dove. The one legged ragged mess of a creature stood proud, tall, and sang his song. His cooing was so soft, and he carried about him the same pride the subway singers carry, and the talented and homeless harmonica players in the park. He was not noticed by anyone, but I watched him sing tall and proud.

When I walked along the rolling green countryside, I walked alone. The sky was extravagant, plush with white clouds, painted in orange. The hills played with their shadows creating a myriad of shades of green. The sheep ran along the fence with me as I walked. Their stark white against the green made them seem even more pure. Amidst all this, there I saw him. In all the grandeur of what was around, there was a lone sheep, no bigger than a few weeks old, black as black could be, curled up under the hedge. Sleeping deeply and contently, without a care. By doing nothing, this sheep was speaking everything to me. In a world of white, of extravagance, he slept as soundly as if he were the whitest, most extravagant of them all. He slept soundly.

"There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven."
-Ecclesiastes 3:1

Mom used to tell me I had an eye for detail, which may be why it is hard for me to see the bigger picture. There is a lot of uncertainty in my life right now, but some things are certain. I certainly have an awesome future to look forward to. I certainly have love and support. And what might seem like a small detail in a whirl of a life, can make all the difference in the world, to the right person. The small details in God's plan for my life are making all the difference in getting me through the day, and eventually to where my heart longs to be. Small details, like a comforting meal, an "I love you", and even a cap gun.

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