November 25, 2007

On Love and Time

I sat on my porch yesterday and looked out to this million-dollar view we have here from my home. I contemplated what life will be like now. God was so good in just simply speaking to me about his perfect love, his perfect timing, his perfect will. I could listen to regret, I could live in the deluge of should-haves, but I will look on what is to be, and the glory of God in what was. I sat looking at what was right in front of me, the sun was out, there was hope to the day in that morning hour. I sat in this present time, trying not to think of what would leave me weary.

I have doubted that man could ever give perfect love, in fact, I know man himself cannot give perfect love. However, man can let perfect love move them to love to the best of his ability. I grew up in a household that reflected that perfect love. God used my mom and dad to show it to me, my mom loved with a perfect love only God could have imparted to her, she loved without condition or boundary. I am going to choose to love the way she loved, the way we see God love. It was easier to once say I wanted to love like God loves, but it is another thing to know that love and watch it leave you. I still feel her love, just not with human touch. The love she poured into me, I want to share, because it was the love of a perfect heavenly Father.

I also thought on time. God's perfect time. He does not ask me to understand His time, only to have the faith it takes to live in accordance with it. Something that helps me to understand His time is to pray for a heavenly perception, this way my own human understanding has less of a fog in an already bewildered mind. I heard a man once say

"Man knows time as linear, God knows time in seasons"

Basically God knows when a life is ripe, full, ready to be harvested. Man knows life according to days, months, and years. So once I grasp this understanding of time, I can see life through a Godly perception. I will miss my mom more each day, but I like to think on this

"Missing someone gets easier everyday. Because even though it is one day further from the last time you saw each other, it is one day closer to the next time you will."

May my life honor the Lord and honor you. Thank you for teaching me perfect love and perfect time through the words of the Father.

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